You Can Make A Difference!!

Dionce Creativity is a global community of readers where everyone in the world is connected through our thrilling, educational and inspiring stories. We aim to build a better world, where books(Stories) are available and accessible to everyone especially those in Sub Saharan Africa.

“What an amazing gift to be able to help people, not just yourself." –Barack Obama

95% of our stories are free and we did this in order to create a platform where stories are readily available to everyone and promote literacy.

Your support or partnership can go a long way to aid us to achieve our Vision.

This will enable us to do the following:

1. To keep the website and social media pages running.

2. To develop dioncecreativity mobile app.

3. To publish and distribute more paperback books to schools and the poor.

4. To organize periodic outreach programs.

5. To organize workshops and training classes.

6. To financially support the team to spur them on for more amazing works.

Join us now and be a part of our success story. Let’s make the world a better literary place!

To become a partner or sponsor, send us an email by clicking here or send us a text on Whatsapp by clicking here